7) Our nine emotions / NAVARAS

1) Sringaram

Meaning - love and beauty 🥰😍😊☺️

Presiding deity - Vishnu

Colour - Green 

                  It is one of the nine rasas, usually translated as erotic love, romantic love, or as attraction or beauty. Rasa means "flavour", and the theory of rasa is the primary concept behind classical Indian arts including theatre, music, dance, poetry, and sculpture. Much of the content of traditional Indian arts revolves around the relationship between a man and a woman. The primary emotion thus generated is Sringara. The romantic relationship between lover and beloved is a metaphor for the relationship between the individual and the divine.

2) Hasyam -

Meaning -  Humorous / laughter 😁😂😄😃😀

Presiding deity - Pramatha

Colour - White

             Hasyam the rasa used to express joy or mirth. Pure Hasya is real happiness, a joy that comes from within. This rasa is used to depict simple happiness or riotous laughter and everything in between. The term “Hasya” itself means laughter. It helps one to get relief from tension and worry.  Hasya is self-focused when one makes fun of oneself and it is focused on others when fun is made of others.


3) Karunam

Meaning - Pathetic / sorrow😔☹️😞

Presiding deity - Yama

Colour - Grey

                Karuna represents grief and compassion. The feelings of unspeakable tragedy and despair, hopelessness and heartbreak, the sorrow caused by parting with a lover, the pain caused by the death of a loved one are all Karuna. The original Sanskrit word Karuna means "Sadness". This more popular meaning of the Karuna Rasa finds expression in many forms of art, literature, and theatre in India.

4) Raudram - 

 Meaning - Anger 😡😠😤

 Presiding deity - Rudra

 Colour - Red

                     It refers to the “furious sentiment” used in dramatic performance . This is a fundamental and dominant rasa, as described in the Natya-Shastra . Basically, Raudram rasa is a disagreeable, destructive rasa while it has its use in communication . The energy of anger expresses itself from  mild irritation up to real fury . This rasa takes its origin in the Raksasas , Danavas and very haughty human beings with a regular battle as the immediate cause . The activities connected with raudra rasa are beating, tearing, harassing, chopping off, breaking , piercing , striking , hurling missiles , shedding blood, seizing of weapons and similar activities. 

 5) Veeram - 

Meaning - Heroism / Courage 🦸 🦸‍♀️

Presidingdeity - Lord Mahendra

Colour - Saffron

                     As the very name suggests, Veer rasa deals with courage or valour. Veer rasa is embodiment of an energetic, determined and unrelenting nature which has no room for surprise or confusion. It is shown by challenging words and deeds conveying courage, boldness, bravery and self-confidence. Veer rasa is heroism which is born out of the state of energy. The rasa is manifest, when there is valour, heroism, mastery, pride and steadfastness. Utsaha is its sthayi bhava.


6) Bhayanakam

 Meaning - Horror/ Fear / Terror 😨😰

 Presiding deity - Kala

 Colour - Black 

                     Bhayanaka is the feeling of panic and dread brought on by the anticipation of danger. It denotes a weakness of heart and a want of strength in character. Fear is the base emotion of the Bhayanaka rasa.To portray Bhayanaka, the actor widens his pupils and pushes them forcefully outwards. With eyes quivering, he raises his eyebrows one at a time and then together, pulls his lips inward, flares his nostrils, and looks from side to side like a deer that has caught the scent of danger.  The darkly reddened face conveys the adrenaline rush of extreme fear felt by the character.

7) Bibhatsam  - 

Meaning - Disgust 😖😣

Colour - Blue

                 Bibhatsa Rasa in Natyashastra deals with the odious sentiment and the Sthayi bhava of Bibhatsa Rasa is juguptsa or disgust. The outcome of Bibhatsa Rasa is from the Vibhavas or determinants such as Ahrdya- apriya- aveksa (seeing what is unwholesome or displeasing), Anisfa- Sravana- Darsana- Parikirtana (hearing, seeing and discussing what is undesirable) and such similar things. Its representation on the stage is through the anubhavas such as Sarvangahara (Squeezing up all the limbs), Mukhanetraghur-nana (moving the face to and fro, rolling the eyes), Hrllekha (heartache, grief anxiety), Nisthivana (spiting), Udvejana (expressing disgust) and the likes. The Vyabhicari Bhavas are Apasmara (loss of memory), Vega (Agitation), Moha (delusion or loss of sense), Vyadhi (illness), and Marana (death) etc. the Natyashastra states that the Bibhatsa Rasa arises through many things causing antipathy such as seeing what is not desirable, defects and abnormality in tests, smells touch and sound. Its presentation on the stage should be perfectly earned out by means of shaking the head, soiling the eyes, closing the eyes, covering the nose, lending down the head and walking imperceptibly.

8) Adbhutam - 

Meaning - Surprise/ wonder 😳😱😲

Presiding deity -  Lord Bramha

Colour - Yellow

                  This rasa represents wonder and curiosity. The awe that one feels when one comes across something divine and supernatural, some power or beauty that is remarkable and never seen or imagined before is Adbhuta. Adbhuta is the curiosity of man regarding the creation of the world and all its wonders, the astonishment caused by seeing something unusual and magical. The appreciation of a marvel that goes beyond the routine and the mundane is Adbhuta.

9) Shantam

Meaning - Peace 😌😋🙂

Presiding deity - Lord  Narayana

Colour - White

                     The Shanta Rasa, one of the nine rasas, is the state of peacefulness or tranquillity. But we have to remember that this rasa is not mentioned in natyashastra. It is marked by is the feeling of calmness, quietness and peacefulness. Its Sthayi Bhava is Sama, ie, state of freedom from everything be it worldly desires or actions. Its foundation is patience, service-mindedness, philosophical knowledge, self- control, pure spirits and freedom from all kinds of bondage. Its key note is non-violence or Ahimsa. Shanta Rasa is expressed by keeping the face in a peaceful expression or with the eyes turned upside as if doing penance and also by half closing the eyes. The purpose of recreating this Rasa is to depict the attainment of detachment from everything or Moksha, salvation. This is the representation of contentment or aesthetic bliss. Its Vibhava is knowledge or truth, anubhava is self-control & meditation and vyabhichari bhava is calmness, closed eyes, purity etc. Sages in India meditate for entire lifetimes to attain this state of being. In music, it is often represented through a steady and slow tempo.

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