
Showing posts from August, 2020

5) Origin of Bharatnatyam

Origin of Bharatnatyam  -                         It is told that 'ভ' (bha) from 'bhava' (thought) , র (ra) from raga (ragas) and ত from Taal (rhythm) --- these three coordinated in 'Natyam' and made "Bharatnatyam". According to Bharata's natyashastra , 'natyam' refers to worshipful application of  mythology.                      But many scholars say that the name Bharatnatyam has come from bharat muni's name. Some scholars say that the name 'Bharatnatyam' should be 'Bhaaratnatyam'  because it is originated in bhaarat (India).                      The dance form Bharatnatyam originated in Tanjore village of Tamil Nadu . Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai , Chinnaiya , Munnaiya , Shivanandam and Wadibhellu always be remembered in Bharatnatyam dance .                      There is a misconception about Bharatnatyam. So many people think that Bharatnatyam is a folk dance form of Tamil Nadu . But it is not .                        B

4) Folk dance in India

                       Yesterday we have learnt about Indian classical dance. Today we shall discuss about Indian Folk dance   .  ∆ What is folk dance?                    Folk dances are simply awesome and it is performed to express joy and happiness among themselves. It is performed for every possible occasion to celebrate arrival of new season , birth of a child , wedding , festivals , and other social customs.                        Each form of dances reflect the life of the people of a certain County or religion. Not all ethnic dances are folk dance. For instance , ritual dances are not considered to be folk dance. Ritual dances are usually called "religious dances" because of their purpose.                    Now we have to know how many folk dances are there in our country. But let me tell you dear friends , those are countless. I am divided those folk dances according to states and territories.  1. Andhra Pradesh - Dhimsa , Lambari , Dappu , topetta gullu , and so on.

3) Classical Dance in India :-

                 As we know India is rich in culture, full of diversity in the same way. And this characteristic makes India unique in the world. India is that kind of country that preserve its own heritage and culture.                                 Our country is divided into distinct regions--North , West , South , East , and Northeast.                                 In India , as there is variety in food and clothing , there is also variety in dance. We can divided dance into two parts---  a) Indian classical , b) Indian folk.                                Let's come to know what is classical , what is the definition of classical dance.                                              A) Indian classical dance :-   Indian classical dance or " shastriya Devesh" is the extraordinary dance forms which is back to various performance arts rooted in religious Hindu musical theatre style, whose theory and practice can be found in sanskrit text "Natya Shastra". There

2) History of Dance :-

                        Dance has always with us. Many historians believe that social celebratory and rituals dances are one of the essential factors of the development of early human civilizations.                       First archeological proof of dance comes from the nine thousand years old cave paintings in India. But the earliest findings have pinpointed the origin of ancient dances in 5300 years old Egypt. There are so many confusions also. Some historians said that proof has found from ancient Greece and China.                       When European Renaissance arrived , the history of dance and music with the new additions to songs and dances added in social culture and mixed with many native cultures of the new world, and formed countless new dance styles that are still popular to this day.    

1) What is dance?

 "Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists.”      ---- Michael Jackson                            Basically dance is an art form that shows expressions of intensified sense of life , comes from inner perception that stimulates both our mind and soul. It is told that dance is one of the oldest art forms. Dance allows us to express ourselves.                           Usually dance is performed with various kind of music. Once George Balanchine told, "Dance is music made visible." To act , to react human body moves. The great legend Steven Thompson said , "Dance is an art, paint your dreams and follow it."                           

My first day on Blog,15th August , 2020

                    I am very glad that I can share my experiences, my  knowledge and my journey about classical dance with you now. I am trained in Bharatnatyam classical dance , and still learning.                      This Independence Day will always be remembered in my life. Now I can work independently. On this special day I'm promising myself that I never be stopped.                       I hope, this blog will help you to explore yourselves and will help me to increase my capabilities. Stay tuned. Stay safe.  🇮🇳 Happy Independence Day 🇮🇳